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Windows let in the sunlight and off beautiful views. But the sunlight they invite in can also cause hot spots and severe fading of your furnishings, artwork and flooring. And during storms or in the event of a break-in, windows are the most vulnerable points in your home. Tinted windows can also contribute to keeping you healthy and safe. UV rays from the sun are harmful to humans and have been proven to cause skin cancer. By blocking up to 99% of these damaging rays, tinted windows can protect your skin from their damaging effects. In addition, window film can reduce the amount of heat that is let in from the sunlight in the summer and reduce heat loss in the winter, thus reducing your energy costs. Discover all the wonderful things 3M Window Films can do for you! Salisbury, MD 410-742-0955 Rehoboth Beach, DE 302-684-5799 Bethany Beach, DE 302-537-5025 Easton, MD 410-822-8839 eMail: